Friday, January 11, 2013

So Close But Yet So Far!

Have you ever heard of the saying "So close but yet so far"? I just experienced this and it makes me sick to my stomach!


Today we had a court date.  The case worker told me that if the mom doesn't show her parental rights will be terminated.  Excitement ran through every part of my being.  This mom sad to say is like a cancer for these children. Could it be finally true after several years --will Miss J, my 14 year old finally be legally free?  She can't stand her mom and wants nothing to do with her.  Her mom is currently using drugs and not making an effort to get her act together.  In December she was arrested for burglary and theft. She has been given chance after chance and my daughter is just ready for this night mare to be over.  Evidentially the mom has a warrant out for her arrest.  If she does appear she will be arrested and taken into custody.  One of the things that has had me nervous was with her out of jail -- I am afraid that we will run into her as we are out and about.  We live in a relatively small community so that is extremely possible.


Praise the Lord we were the first case the judge called.  The mom was not there.  The case worker went up front and was sworn in.  She was being crossed examined by someone (not sure who).  They were making an appoint to tell why the parental rights should be terminated. About 2 more minutes and the case would have been over. I was so happy but yet I was not looking forward to informing my daughter of this news because as much as she doesn't like her it is still hard to deal with.  I knew in minutes it would be done.  All of a sudden the case worker said my night mare "MOM JUST WALKED IN THE COURT ROOM!"  She repeated what she said.  The judge put a stop to everything.  The mom came and sat down at the table.  Her body was contorting in different positions.  You can tell she had been using. The mom said she would like to deny the termination.  The judge now said we will have to go to trial.  Now we have an appointment in March, one in April and one in May.  The judge did say that if she misses any of the appointments that were set, her parental rights will be terminated immediately.


If was almost done!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost want to jump up and down and throw a fit (learned by my best teachers -- my kids).  My stomach feels nauseated. I know the Lord has a plan.  I am just looking forward to these children knowing the are not going anywhere. 


................and so says the phrase "So close but yet so far".

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bringing In The New Year With Princesses!!!

Well hello there!!! I know it has been along time since I posted anything on my blog but I am going to continue to try to keep this going.  As I read back I forget details on what had happened on our journey.  For this I am thankful that I have this blog to remind me. Let me fill you in on the latest and then I will back track over the last 3 months to fill you in on where we are in the process. 


To bring in the New Year I decided to take my children to a colonial dance here locally.  We went last year and the kids had a great time!!! They loved it! Last year we only had 3 kids with us and this year we have 6.  My husband was on call with his work so he had to stay at home just in case he had to go out on a service call.  So I braved it by myself.  I made sure the little girls had a nap around 4pm because we were staying out past midnight. Well all I can say is that the kids had a blast and they danced and danced all night long.  In fact they love it so much they want to join the homeschooling dance lessons for colonial dancing.  


Joshua surprised me.  He tends to be extremely shy and reserved.  He would go up to these little girls and ask them to dance with no prompting! WOW! There was a boldness there that took me off guard.  I was so happy to see him come out of his shell and have so much fun.


My two little ones Little K and Little M walked in to the dance area, saw the HUGE mirrors on the either side of the room and immediately put their hands on their heads and started being ballerinas. They twirled and was in their own little world for about 20 minutes.  I managed to get a video of the very last of it.  If only you can see the beginning -- it was precious!!  After they were done with that, the instructor came up to Miss M and said "would you like to dance?" Miss M shook her head "no" and immediately clung to me.  He looked at Miss K and said "would you like to dance?" and she said "yes" and very politely he took her by the hand and led her out on the floor.  He squatted down so he would be at her height. Like a lady she danced the cutest dance. Sometimes she would throw him off because she wanted to twirl and he wasn't ready but he made the adjustment and she twirled and twirled around the dance floor.  By this time 30 minutes into the dance of course my phone was dead so I didn't get any pictures of them except for my little video that I have on here.  After they were done --he came over and he bowed at her and said "thank you for this dance" and she bowed at him and said "thank you".  Then he decided to give Miss M one more chance.  "Would you like to dance?" and seeing the Little K was safe and had a great time she said "yes" and off they went to the dance floor.  He danced with the both of them for another 3 times. From that time on every time a new song came on they were getting pretty upset because he was dancing with other people and they "WANTED" or let me rephrase that "DEMANDED" to dance.  They are still working on being a ladies.  So my boys and my big girls took the little girls out on the dance floor and would dance with them through the night. The instructor would appear at our table every now and then and would dance with the little ones.  Boy did they feel special!! It was an evening to remember!!!

There is a story behind the dresses -- I will fill you in on that later.