Tuesday, August 16, 2016

M&M Twins!!

Image result for phrases children needing to be loved

I have mentioned before that since our four foster children left to be adopted in Minnesota has been really hard on us.  Through this time we have experienced all the feeling and emotions that go along with foster care. After having our next placement of four children 3 and younger and 3 of them throwing temper tantrums throughout the day -- It made us wonder if this is what we should be doing.  We had lost our joy.

Once we had those 4 precious little ones moved we received a call on a 10 year old boy. That lasted 9 days.  After a physical altercation we had him moved as well.  I will tell you this little boy stole my heart!! I so wish we could have made a difference in him but he needed more help that I could give him.  I got numerous calls asking us to take babies and children younger than what my husband and I agreed to and it either ended in us saying no or the children were placed with relatives.

From March 19 till August 11 we really were scratching our head wondering what the Lord wanted us to do.  Through it all I KNEW God had big plans for us.  Our home just seemed empty.  Even my little girls would ask me "Mom when are we getting more kids! I want to play with them!" I didn't know what to say except "I'm not sure". Even though we have 4 kids in the house right now -- it just seemed too quiet.  My husband would probably disagree with me on that part but I knew kids were missing.

I got a call from DHS asking to take these 5 year old twins boy and girl.  The placement worker didn't know anything about them really.  She was just reading off a piece of paper. She gave me the case workers phone number and I gave her a call.  I have known this caseworker for several years as she was our caseworker for the 3 girls we adopted 4 years ago. So once we chatted for a few minutes I told her that I got a call regarding the M&M twins.  Her words were "You don't wont them Sheri. These little kids are criminal.  The girls is a level 3 and the boy is a level 2 in the CANS." She already had a plan in place to separate them.  The girl was going to a treatment home and the boy would stay with the foster mom they are placed with now because of their physical fighting and other things. She told me about their behaviors and frankly -- I was okay with not taking them.  She was worried for my other kids in the home and for our animals.  These little people have been so abused and mistreated that they need continual in depth counseling.  So I told my husband about what the caseworker said and he agreed that this placement was not for us. That was at 12:00 noon. At 1:00 she calls back.  The conversation went like this. "Hi Sheri this is ****. Remember when I told you I might be calling back in a few days well I know it has not been a few days but I want to give your home a try. Since we planned on separating these twins anyway lets give your home a try and see what happens.  If we have to separate them we will.  My stomach dropped!! I know I didn't have to take these kids but we have taken hard kids before and these are 5 years old!! I reluctantly said okay we will give it a try. We just need all eyes on deck at the house and proceed with caution.

I then talked with the current foster parent.  She had them for 2 months and really had a bad report about the girl. She was bonded with the boy and could tell he was making progress.  She was quiet upset that DHS would place these children together in a home with other children.  I just went with it and listened to her praying this would not be the case in our home.  I knew my God was bigger than all of this.  We made plans to meet up the next day and get the kiddos.

When I saw the twins I thought how beautiful they both were but that can get you into trouble because looks do not make the personality.  I just wanted to get them home and start working.  After transporting all their stuff from their vehicle into ours we put everything in the van and headed home.  The boy got emotional but kept it together.  He kept wiping his eyes to hide he was crying.  I asked if he wanted me to sit in between him and his sister and he shook his head "no". His sister just looked out the window.  Unemotional.

Kids are precious and this tender age doing these hard things --- Oh my!! This is one of the hardest things about this whole process. Is the transitioning from home to another.

They have been in my home since August 11, 2016 -- so four days.  I can tell we have work to do.  I can tell they have A LOT to show me as of behaviors go.  I can also tell you they LOVE animals.  They are soft and gentle with animals.  They love to play with other kids.  Their bond is not strong between them however I feel positive that in time and as they grow that will be repaired. They love to go to church with us! They love to pray before each meal, they are very affectionate.  I can go on and on.  I love these two little people.  They seems happy here.  Event though I am going forward with caution I can also see how they respond to my discipline and when I talk to them have them look at me when I'm addressing them.  I can see their souls.  They are innocent, pure, precious, treasured, loved, adored and cherished.

Please pray for these two little twins.  They have been through so much you would think it was impossible to endure for anyone let along little kids.

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