For quit sometime now I knew something was missing in me. My last post was just another example of how chaotic
my life has been lately. I knew what I
was missing but I really didn't know where to fit that in during my days. The very thing I was missing was most
important relationship of all. In order
to have the hearts of my children I need my heart to be right with my Savior. I need that time alone with Him each morning
to be refreshed and lead my dear children in the direction they should go.
I have had this book for quit sometime and I think it was
sitting on my bookshelf begging me to take it down and open it. Its called "A Mom After Gods Own
Heart" by Elizabeth George.
Since I want my children to love God and follow Him, I need
to set the focus of my heart on God and let them see me love Him and follow
Him. I need to be a mom after Gods own
heart. He'll help me take care of
everything else that goes with parenting.
Here is a little blub that spoke volumes to me.
...I found myself running on empty. And when we're spiritually running on empty
our hearts are hollow and numb. Without
spiritual refueling, our parenting is empty and the evidence of our apathy
creep into our children's lives. All
becomes dull and devoid of spiritual energy, purpose, motivation and accomplishment
in both parent and child.
....heartless. If we
are heartless, our parenting becomes heartless and rote. We unconsciously put ourselves and our
child-raising on autopilot. We find ourselves
giving in and giving up the fight for godly standard and behavior. We begin putting up with things the way they
are. We fail to make the effort to see
that we live out God's calling to be moms after Him. We fail to make sure our children's hearts are
being continually molded heavenward.
...worldy. If e are
preoccupied with the things of this world and enamored by early pursuits and
rewards, our parenting will be worldly. We
won't be following God's criteria and God's ways. We'll be walking and parenting in the ways of
the world. We'll slip up on holding the
line on conduct and choices and discipline. The things of this world will creep into our
homes and into our children's hearts.
...Carnal or unspiritual.
If we are fulfilling the lust of the flesh instead of walking in the
Spirit (Galatians 5:16 "So I say, walk by the
Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh"), our parenting
will show it. As Paul points out,
"the works of the flesh are evident"
(Verse 19). There will be screaming,
yelling, belittling, name-calling, maybe even the slapping or shaking or
pushing of children around.
This is all serious stuff...all
brought about because the goodness of God's word is not regularly refreshing
and reminding us of Christ's better ways.
God's solution? Pick up the Bible
and read it. When we do, God touches and
transforms our hearts in to those of moms after His heart.
Amen and Amen!!
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