Monday, September 17, 2012

Adoption: Court

On Wednesday was the court date.  I was so nervous because as of right now the plan for our children is to return to parent.  One parent is on the run and other parent is some what doing what he is suppose to.  I am not so worried about the mom in this situation because she has not changed and the judge could see that just for the fact she was not there.

Miss J has written a letter to read at court.  She put a lot of thought into this letter.  The judge asked her if she had anything to say.  She said yes that she would like to read the letter.  She made it through the first word and broke down crying.  She managed to get herself together and read it.  It was amazing.  She did not read this letter to me before sharing it with the Judge.  I was in awe!! She was respectful and same off very intelligent.  She pleaded with the judge not to separate her from her sisters.  The dad (who was there) is trying to separate them.  Almost immediately I started to cry once I heard her break. It was ripping my heart out!

I could see compassion in the Judges eyes.  The Judge told everyone that she is not in favor of separating them.  She then turned to the dad and said very bluntly that he is doing a horrible job and getting his kids back.  The attorney said very harshly "I am giving you 90 days to clear up your warrants". This requires a lot of money.  She gave him a long list of things to complete withing the 90 days.  The list includes things that he should have done in the past but never did so now the list is quite long and pretty much unrealistic.  After the 90 days she said if there is so much of a "T" that is not crossed she is going to move the case to permanency for the purpose of adoption.

Today was visitation with him and two little ones.  He called and cancelled the meeting.  He gave an excuse that didn't really fly with me and I hoping the state can see through it too.  The judge was really hard on him and confronting him for dragging his feet to get his act together.  I can see that this is just the beginning of him fazing out of the picture.

I have to brag on my husband for a moment.  My hubby made it possibly for me to get away on a three day women's retreat in Bandon Oregon.  I was able to go with my mom and two sisters.  I really couldn't believe it was happening and it took a lot for me not to feel guilty for going.  I will say that the time away really made me acknowledge that I love everyone of my children and I really couldn't wait to get back but also to enjoy the time I had there.  I know it won't happen a lot so I did my best to enjoy the time away.

While we were there one of the ladies who were given the retreat wanted to the person to stand up with the most children.  Guess what?  That was ME!! She knew the answer to this question already but she asked "Sheri tell everyone how many children you have".  I said "9 children!" Everyone cheered for me in the room.  I was so proud of every single one of my babies and it made me miss them even more.  She handed me a scarf that a lady had made as a gift for some women.  I loved it!!

Pulling into the drive way my hubby met me in the parking lot.  I love this man so much!! He was happy and glad I was home.  I can also tell that his bonds with the children had grown too.  I know he loves the children but he works everyday outside the home and is home a lot less than me because of his work.  I could tell that while I was gone the Lord was doing a work at the house too.  All the children greeted me at the door for hugs and kisses.  I picked all of them up a present while I was at the coast.  Soon after that we all loaded up the van and headed out to Hometown Buffet.

I know that I know that these will be my permanent babies one day.  On that day you will see tears of joy streaming down my face.  So mark your calenders for a celebration in the future.  The Lord has made it clear he is in this with us all the way!!


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