Thursday, February 14, 2013

Adoption: Getting Closer By The Day Pt 1

We had a huge day yesterday.  We had a meeting where they are making a judgment call as to how many families would be trying to adopt our children I am glad I could walk out of that office feeling extremely confident.  Those that attended the meeting were three managers from DHS who were on the committee, along with the case worker, the CASA worker and the foster care certifier.  My husband and I had to tell them why we felt these children should be placed with us and no one else. That was scary.  This could down hill in a hurry if I don't use my best words and say what they want me to say.  These are my babies.  I have to tell them why I feel my babies should stay with me and know one else?  Praise the Lord we had three people there that knew us really well.  The DHS worker initiated the meeting stating that we have a significant relationship with the children.  Their lives are on the lines and we have one shot.  This meeting cannot be rescheduled if we dont make a GREAT impressions. 


There are 3 options that could happen:

1)  The committee choose two other families to try for these children.

2)  We are out of the pool to try to adopt these kids.  We would foster until the right family comes along.

3)  We are the only ones who can adopt these children.  Our family comes before any other relatives-- in case one comes out of the wood work.

My husband and I both spoke and they asked us tons of questions.  Based on the kids we have and each ones situation, it would be awful on DHS part for them to take them out of our home.  As far as the 4 and 6 year old -- I think they have never given it a second thought that they might be leaving.  Honestly this would rip my heart out but I would be more concerned at the state of the children (those who are ours and those who we foster).  They have 5 business days to get back to us on their decision.  If I am nervous at all -- it is because another human can make that call -- someone who does not know us.  However, the Lord put this jouney on our hearts and he will lead the way and be with those who are in authority.  He is forever faithful and for that I trust in HIM to speak to the people who we met with yesterday.

 So please say a prayer...........................

 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.  Eph 6:12

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