Monday, April 7, 2014

Transitioning ---Fostering Sibiling Set of 2

I want to apologize for not writing sooner.  To be honest writing was the last thing on my mind.  Getting control of these new kids coming in were my top priority. Its so funny to me how you go through this process and you have in mind the age group you desire because you have this misconception that one age is better than the other however I'm telling you -- just because you receive the age group you requested does not mean they would be any easier than a baby or a 17 year old teenager.

Going into this I knew that we did not want babies.  Don't get me wrong.  I love babies!!! They don't talk back to you and they let you love all over them however babies in our large household would not be a good fit.  Some do not want teenagers.  We have adopted 3 teenagers and they are wonderful! We do have bumpy roads once in a while however I am not gonna complain about them.  We won the luck of the draw or better yet the Lord showed massive mercy on me and blessed my socks off!  My two little girls now 5 and 7 are the most difficult for us.  You would think it would be the other way around and in some/most cases that is true.  Now we have a 6 and a 10 year old that sends me in awe! I will get to them shortly.  I guess going through this the best thing you can do is pray till you have blisters on your knees and memorize the scripture that says God will not give you more than you can handle.  When your going through the valleys --- remember this!!!

Many people have asked me about the 14 year that ran away from the social worker when they were bringing him to my house.  The boy ran to his older brothers house in a nearby town.  He is 21 years old with a 3 month old baby and a very new wife.  I have talked with him many times and he is such a great guy!! He has taken in his 14 year old brother and is getting certified so he can stay there with him.  He feels that he can't take on his two little siblings because first he has to figure out how to parent a 14 year old and the behavior problems of the two little ones is too much for him.  He feels horrible but needs to think of his marriage.  I can totally respect him for having the courage to voice that despite the hurt feeling the little ones may have and guilt that he must carry. I do have him in background really speaking volumes to these little ones letting them know they are in a safe home, telling them to be good for us, if they are good for us then they can see each other more often, etc.  He's really a good role model for all of them.  They all have the same mother -- and this 21 year old was put into foster care when he was 12 years old and later adopted for the same reasons these kids kind themselves in foster care today. Please pray for this family! They are so young but really trying to do the right thing.

I will be sure to continue this in another post.  I really just wanted to give an update on the other boy first. Things are getting better here on the home front but first we had to have some drama. Stay tuned!!!

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