Tuesday, April 17, 2012



Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.  The parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water.

Isaiah 35:6-7

Behold, I have placed within you a spring of living water.  For my Spirit shall be a continual flowing forth of life from your innermost being.  This I have promised to all My children, and this you may experience as you claim it by faith.  All My promises are received by faith.  None are gained my merit, nor are they awards for human achievements.

It is My Life I am giving you.  It is not an emotion; it is not a virtue, though these may subsequently follow.  It is Myself.  Divine grace, heavenly love, infinite mercy, fathomless peace-- all these will spring forth unbeckined and irrepressible out of the depths within you because My Spirit has taken resident there.

If there is dryness within your soul and you do not have this life flowing forth, you need to grieve or chide yourself for being empty.  Fill up the empty place with praise.  Through praise you may open to Me the gates to your soul's temple.  The King will enter and bring His glory.  The Rose of Sharon shall bloom in your heart, and His fragrance will be shed abroad.

For the promise of the Father is to all who believe, yes, to all who are called, even those who are far off (see Acts 2:39).  And this promise is the gift of the indwelling presence of My Holy Spirit, posed to all who have been baptized into the name of Jesus Christ, who have repented of their sins and received remission (See Acts 2:38).

Yes, I say to you, it is a fight.  It is written; "how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Sprit to those who ask Him!" (Luke 11:13).  Ask, and you shall receive, and your joy shall be full.

As surly as a door is opened in response to a knock; as surly as that which is lost is found by the one who searched after it; and as surely as one who makes a request received that for which he has asked; even so, in similar fashion, and with corresponding simplicity, I will give to you, My Child, the Holy Spirit for no other reason than because you have asked me to do so.  I have not placed this blessing beyond your reach, for it is My desire that you shall have it.  How can My Church be victorious without the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit filling each believer? You thwart my purposes and block My path when you do not avail yourself of this, My provision.  Do you suppose I can accomplish My will through a powerless body?  For each Christian is to be a channel through which My blessings may flow, and how can you be open to My blessings if your filled with yourself? Only to the degree that you allow My spirit to flow in will "self" be driven out.

The open heart shall be filled.  The sin confessed shall be forgiven.  The hunger after righteousness shall be satisfied.  Be as a little child.  I will be to you a loving Father.  You shall have what you desire because I love you.  Let this be your hope, and your faith shall be rewarded.  My power is not reserved for a few selected saints.  It is available to all, and it is available to you. ASK!

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