Friday, April 20, 2012

Funny Things My Son Comes Up With

I have a son named Joshua.  He is about to turn 10 years old.  He is the sweetest boy you would ever meet.  He has such a sweet spirit.  He says the funniest things and I have written down a few of them.  He doesn't realize how funny he is.  He usually is so serious when he speaks and has no idea how sweet he is!! Lord thank you so much for this little guy!! He brings joy to my soul!

4/20/12 -- While waiting for the other kids to get back from a field trip I took Joshua to a hole in the wall run down donut shop. We decided to eat our donuts in the shop. He asked to use the restroom. When he came back he got really close to my ear and whispered. "Mom -- They used every penny they had for this building and had not spent any money on the bathroom!"

4/20/12 -- Today Joshua and I were driving through Ashland. We were passing Safeway. He looks over and says "Safeway -- That does not look to safe to me."

3/29/12 Joshua was talking to my husband. He was saying "I can't wait to go hunting with you dad!" My husband says "what kind of hunting are you wanting to do?" and Joshua said "ya know... Deer, cantelope......" We all had a great laugh

10/13/11 - Tonight I was singing (my very best by the way) while I was fixing dinner. Joshua comes up behind me and asks me "mom - do you have an off button?"

7/13/11 - Once a gain riding in the car.....Alicia has this beautiful natural curly hair that sometime can become messy looking during in the day if she doesn't keep up on it. She had lost her MP3 player was very upset and disappointed because she could not find it anywhere. She made the comment "I can't find my MP3 anywhere!" and Joshua replied with "have you looked in your hair? It could be in there." She did NOT think this was very funny but the rest of us did!!

7/13/11 - Driving in the car Alicia says "I have a sweet tooth." Josh says "is it white?" Alicia says laughing "No" Joshua says "is it brown? Alicia says laughing harder "No" Joshua says "is it sugary" Alicia says "Joshua do you know what a sweet tooth is?" And he says "No but you can tell me".

1/22/11 Josh saw his old reading teacher at church last night (from when he went to CPE in the first grade). He invited her to spend the night! She said she didn't know where we lived. He told her that you turn right and then left. Then he said "never mind all that just look for the the tall bushes". When she was telling me this she had tears in her eyes from giggling so hard.

1/17/11 Josh said that when he becomes President the first thing he will do is make sidewalks with no cracks because it is too hard to ride his scooter.

12/27/10 I was changing Payton's diaper and Joshua looked at me and said "Where is her peeing utensil?"

12/23/10 Tonight we sat down at the table to eat dinner. Josh asked us "Do I have any indian in me?" dad says "you got some indian giver in ya". Joshua got this huge smile and said "I love giving things!"

10/21/10 We were sitting at the dinner table and Josh asks his dad "dad- when you went to school did they give you spankings?" Milford said "yep -- I got plenty of spankings when I was in school". Josh says "did they use rulers or rolling pins?"

8/18/10 This is another one from Joshua -- "mom, can I have a slipper party sometime?" I said "Do you mean a PJ party?" He said "No-- ya know when alot of people spend the night." I said "Oh! you mean a slumbar party."

8/5/10 Josh: "mom I get really embarrased when I see a girl in a zuccini". Mom: "you mean a bikini?" Josh: "oh yea, bikini."

8/4/10Dad: "Today I went into the new archery shop here in Central Point." Josh: "Were there any other bald people there?" Dad: "What does that matter?" Josh: "I thought that is where bald people go."

8/4/10 Josh: "Mom was there ever a time when you thought your mom was going crazy?" Being very careful on my reply I asked "what do you mean?" Josh: "did your mom ever start singing and it was really horrible and she wouldn't stop? If so...welcome to my world!"

4/23/10We were on the way to work today and I said "This summer Josh we are really going to work on reading". He says "but its going to be summer and it is against the law to do homework in the summer". I said "it is not against the law to do homework in the summer and reading is NOT homework -- it's fun". He says "It is against MY law to read in the summer and if it is not a law it should be." What will he come up with next?

4/16/10My husband and I were giving Joshua a hard time today. We going to go out to dinner and my husband said "Joshua, will you buy us dinner tonight? (being the money bags in the family) and he said "On one commission..........................". He is so cute!!0

3/30/10Once again we were driving in the car and Josh says "Mom, do rabbits vibrate in the winter?" I said "do you mean Hibernate?" "Oh yea -- Hibernate ." I love car rides!!

3/27/10Josh and I were in the car together and he asked me "Mom, is the tooth fairy real?" I paused and said "No -- the tooth fairy is not real". His jaw dropped and said "No wonder why you're poor!" I am not sure where he comes up with things!

3/20/10Today Josh and I were by a box with old pictures and our family and some of them are of me when I was in the military. Josh brought over a picture of Ben in the military (a group photo). He asked me "Mom, is this when you were in the cemetary?"

3/12/10 - Today Josh and I were in Big 5 picking stuff out for Little League that starts up tomorrow. We were looking at gloves, bats, bat bag and Josh picked up a cup and said "What is this for?" I looked kind of surprised and looked around to see if anyone was watching. I was trying to think fast and said "ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm" and he cut me off and said "Oh I know what this is....This is for the knee caps!" So there! Need I explain anymore??? Sounded good to me!


The Joshua's Sunday school teacher came up to me on Sunday and told me something Joshua had said. He was asking the class..."So if you had a spelling test and you never did study for the test and you prayed "please God help me pass this test" do you think God is going to help you pass the test?" Josh says "NO Way!!" t...he teacher says "Why not?" Josh says "because you didn't say "In Jesus name, Amen".


I was cleaning Josh's room today. He walked in and said "WOW you are queen of hanging things up and I am King of stashing things!" That is by far an understatment on his part. I found his wallet. He had 6 dollars in there and once I get everything in order I found an extra $11.50 stashed in different places! Josh says "I can't believe I am a grandpa!!" I looked at him and said "What?" He said "What am I again?" asked Josh." "You're a brother in law and an uncle!" "Oh Yea! I forgot." says Josh. I love this sweet boy!

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