Our journey fostering and adopting children and living for Jesus most of all!!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Adoption: Could This Really Be True?
My mind is in a whirlwind! I have been awake since 4:00am marveling at how the Lord has taken our situation and personally handled it. I am in awe! Have you been in a situation that you just know this is so right? If you were to do it again would you pick the same path that you chose from the millions of choices that are out there? Well that is me (us) to a "T". Yes I would pick the same path.
Many of you have heard this before but I must take you back a little over a year ago. So hang in there as I remind myself of the work our God has done for me and my family! Every time I tell this story it is so clear the Lord is in this 100%! I not only tell this to fill you in I need to keep reminding myself of the miracles that the Lord is preforming in our own lives.
So -- after we finished our classes and just after starting our homestudy I found 5 children that I would love to have (I told you that story in the last post). Well the Lord was going to give me five children but in another route different than what I had planned. He knew it was going to be a big job so he split it up into breaking me in easy. So he gave us two children in April of 2011. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE in the foster and adoption world was telling me it is long drawn out process. All the while I knew God could preform miracles. That adoption was finalized in January 6, 2012. Our adoption worker was shocked!! She kept saying "I don't know what it is about your family but this holds the record". Well I told her we have faith that if the Lord wants this for us it will be easy and he will clear the way.
Anyway-- So then after that adoption was final we decide on to adopt more. The Lord brought the second batch to us. Three girls!! This group made it very clear to me why I do this! These kids needed so bad a stable home. They had been through 2 bad foster homes. To think that all these kids ages 4,5 and 13 have basically been moved here and there their whole life just breaks my heart! and if I were to tell you just how great these kids are -- you wouldn't believe me! These kids openly tell me how much they wanted a "good" mommy. Am I in this for me? Am I in this for them? Going into this I did this for them but I believe the Lord gives back so much more than what you give out. Oh my heart is full and overflowing.
Okay so now the kids have been with us for a little over 2 months. The plan for these children right now is return to parent. The adoption world is telling me that this will be one of the longest cases they have handled. It probably will go on for another 2 years or so. They told me that Miss J would not want to be adopted but would want to stay with her sisters (which that was okay with us) and blah blah blah! Didn't they know God was much bigger than this situation?
Yesterday the case worker met with the little girls dad about his parental rights and asked if he is ready for all this. In November they are expecting twins. He seemed very overwhelmed. He said that he would like to talk with me about signing the children over to us. My heart went straight to my throat!! Regardless of what mistakes someone has done in their life I cannot imagine being in his position making that call. He wants it to be an open adoption where he would be able to see them periodically. I told me him that we feel it is very important for these girls to know who their bio dad is and to have visitation still in place. Not as often but they still need to happen. Anyway-- so -- That will happen in a matter of days now. And.....Miss J told me that she does want to be adopted. She said she is very sure and that she is not going to change her mind on that. All of these are mountains and walls and unmovable situations that God moved out of our way with a snap of a finger.
Another HUGE victory is..................When a child is placed with you for foster care, if the kids become legally free they have to be with you 1 year before you can be the only one who they will consider for adoption. That is unless there is no family member out there that is interested. This is very cut and dry. It is their policy and there is nothing you can do about it. The case worker needs to advertise these children on the website to see who else is out there that would be willing to take them in. Wednesday I got the word that the supervisor told our case worker she wants to put a special execption that we would be their only option of placement!! The case worker didn't think they could do that but the supervisor said this is what they are doing and the kids are staying where they are at. The case worker is not to recruit for another home for these kids.
I can see so clearly how there are walls and mountains and a process of how things are done and the Lord is making the way for us! He is parting the Red Sea!
The Lord knew that for me taking on 5 new kids all at once would have been to big. You couldn't tell me then but now that we have done this -- for me it would have been huge! I am so happy that I have a loving savior who is looking out for "ME". I can't believe I really matter to him but I do and he loves me! and he loves these precious kids too.
Please keep praying!! It is working!!
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I have to say Sheri, I am so proud of you. I Praise the Lord for bringing these kids into our family. I will keep reading and Praying. :)