Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Adoption: Respite Care - Another One Added

Before I start my many words I want to give all our success and happiness to Jesus because he has been so faithful to answer our prayers.  It has been 3 weeks since Miss J has been with us.  It has been going GREAT.  I need to capture this moment because I know it wont always be like this.  

I am not a negative person by any means I am just saying that because with foster and children who are adopted there is about a 2 month honeymoon period.  Once that is over the kids let their hair down and start to live how they were before coming to your home.  This could be a quick period of time or a slow one depending on the child.  Then you get in a groove that is just everyday life and they start blending in and figuring out what is expected.  Addressing behaviors as they happen day in and day out.

With Miss J we are still in the honeymoon period.  Even though I know this behavior won't last forever I can still see what an amazing person she is.  Every time we get into a discussion about how she is feeling or different things that is on her plate she quotes me a scripture or maybe a piece of a sermon that we most recently heard at church.  She told me that Jesus is her therapist.  Before she came home I was praying and I felt such a peace of getting her home so she could attend church with us.  I knew that would be apart of her healing --if she received it.  Well Praise the Lord!! She received it!!

Yesterday they had volleyball tryouts.  Neither one of the girls made it.  This was hard for Miss J to accept because she loves it and played it during her junior high years.  She was very sad and quiet in the car.  The first thing she did when she got in the car was reach down and open the bible and put it on her lap.  She started reading. 

We took in another boy just for a few days.  He is a great boy.  It is so sad to see how parents can mess up a little ones life.  There were a few issues here and there but that is okay.  I pray that through his journey in life that he will be able to sort out right from wrong and be an great influence on others that have been though a simular circumstances.

I do love having a full house! I am not sure why but its true.  My husband..............well I don't think it his favorite thing but as long as I am doing my part he seems to have a smile on his face most of the time.

That is it for now.






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