Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Adoption: Miss J is Home!!!!

Things have been going great in the Bowers home these days.  It is not perfect but I feel like the kids are becoming more under control or should I say I am able to keep control over myself better which make disciplining my children so much better which means better results.

We now have Miss J with us permanently for foster care.  For this I am so happy and praising Jesus for.  The more time I spend time with her and get to know her I am so happy she is here.  I pray against anything that satan may have a stronghold on.  There is so much that needs to happen in order for our adoption process to begin however things are moving in the right direction.  The homestudy in California which is a relative has been denied.  Whew!!! There not more relatives out there who can sneak up on us out of no where.  One more step that is out of the way.

It is amazing to think back on when we were first going into this journey.  My vision was to adopt 5 children.  Everyone thought I was crazy but that is okay.  I had the 5 all picked out and was praying and praying.  Our homestudy was very far from being done when I found them.  By the times we could have new kids those 5 had already found a placement.  Praise the Lord they were able to stay together. I can see now the Lord did not want us to have them.  He had other children in mind.

We got the call for our two kids that we adopted last year.  Then once that was final we got the call for these three children for an immediate placement. I now have my 5 children that I wanted and the Lord wanted us to have.  The Lord does give us the desires of our hearts.

Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalms 37:4

The day Miss J came home to stay with us permanently, Nick Vujicic was at the Expo.  If you haven't heard of him you must see him.  Here is one of his links. Anyway all of my children including Miss J rededicated their lives to Christ that night.  I do not think it was coincidence that Nick was speaking this very night Miss J came home.  I believe it was a devine appointment!  What a blessing that was!!

I also wanted to share something Miss J (13 yrs old) and Alicia (14 yrs old) posted in their room last night.  I thought this was so funny I had to take pictures!!

Here are the rules posted in their room.  All the other kids want to come in and mess it up so they decided to post laws that needed to be inforced.

Here is their "law talk" telling them the consequences for their behavior!

Blessisngs my dear readers!!!

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