Thursday, August 23, 2012

Adoption: Meal Time

One of the things that I really need to work on among meal time.  I usually go looking through my cubboard and try to figure out what I am going to make either the night before or that day.  I need to be more organized when it comes to my meals.  I want a schedule that I can alternate either every two weeks or once a month.  Maybe you can help me out.. What are somethings that you do?

Usually for breakfast I fix the little girls cereal or toast (which ever they request) the big kids they fix it themselves.  I always make their lunch and dinners.  The other day I was in need of grocery shopping but this is what I came up with at the last minute on what to fix for lunch. 

Here are a couple of pictures.  So some of them wanted quesadillas, hotdogs, chips and cookies.

The start of the esembly line with my love notes on each plate.
I don't do this every time but they get a kick out of what I put on their plate each time.
One of the plates.

Quesadillas ready for the mircrowave
 Hotdogs ready for the microwave

 Lunch Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the plates.

So now it is your turn.  What do you cook for your meals.  I need your help!!! Blessings to you my readers!!


  1. For dinner, I typed up a list of meals we like. About 35 different meals. On the other side of the list, it had the main ingredients needed for that meal. Then I cut the list into strips and folded it in half, then laminated the strips. I have them in a little box and once a week we draw 7 slips out and that will be what we have for dinner that week. Sometimes I have one that just WON'T work that week for some reason, so I change it out for a different one. One slip says "Hannah's Choice" or "Sarah's Choice" or "Eat Out". After they've been used, they go into a second box, so that they rotate through about once a month, rather than popping back up week after week.

  2. What a smart idea!!!!! See why I need you?? Thanks!!! I will have to try this.
